Roberto Fogliardi

Born in Ancona, Italy, in April, 4, 1966
Address: Ancona (Italy)


Dr. Ing. Degree summa cum laude in electrical Engineering, received from the University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy, in July, 22, 1992. The Degree Thesis was entitled "Analysis of the descending arm of systemic arterial tree, performed using an hydraulic visco-elastic line, loaded on a complex impedance". The thesis (in Italian) is published on the site TesiOnLine.

Professional Diploma of Engineer, with full marks (140/140), in November 1992. Since this date, member n. 1647 of Ordine degli Ingegneri di Ancona.

Ph. D. Degree in Biomedical Engineering, received from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in September, 24, 1996. The title of the Ph. D. Thesis was: "Models of the Aortic Input Impedance and Estimation of Arterial Compliance". The aim of the Ph. D. research was a critical analysis of methods for the evaluation of total arterial compliance, based on the estimation of parameters of models of various complexity. Particular attention was paid to models used in clinics. The research was developed in collaboration with the Dept. of Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology, Washington State University, Pullman WA, and with the Cardiology Section, Dept. of Medicine, University of Chicago, Medical Centre, Chicago, IL.

Training Courses & Workshops


Professional Experiences

From January 1996 to May 1996 I have been working as consulting engineer of Summa s.r.l. ( Loccioni group ), in Angeli di Rosora (AN), Italy. The aim of the work consisted in applying a software package (Taylor II, © F&H), for Logistic and Data Process Reengineering.
From May, 6, 1996 to May, 30, 1997 I have been working for the AEA (Advanced Electronic Applications, Loccioni group), in Angeli di Rosora (AN), Italy, as flow process analyst and software programmer.
From June, 1, 1997 to April 2002 I have been in employ of Aethra, in Ancona, Italy, as software programmer, involved in telecommunication and video-communication projects. Since May 2002 I have been moved to the Aethra Strategic Planning group, working on the analysis of new technologies for prototypes' projects.


Informatic knowledges

Scientific Curriculum



Degree Theses


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